Katadataku.com is an online provider for the following data:
1. Tender CPO – KPB/ PTPN
2. Tender CPO (RSPO MB) – KPB/ PTPN
3. Tender CPO (ISCC) – KPB/ PTPN
4. Tender CPKO – KPB/ PTPN
5. Tender CPKO (RSPO MB) – KPB/ PTPN
6. Tender PKM – KPB/ PTPN
7. Tender CPO – Astra Agro Lestari
8. Tender PK – Astra Agro Lestari
9. Tender CPKO – Astra Agro Lestari
10. Rotterdam Vegetable Oil Prices
11.Indonesia Palm Oil Export Duty
12. Malaysian Physical Palm Oil Prices
13. Other news related to palm oil industry