Indonesia Palm Oil Export Duty – October 2020

Indonesia Palm Oil Export Duty October 2020 as of Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No. 75 Tahun 2020 NOMOR 75 TAHUN 2020.PDF

Note : Levy for Oct 2020 will be the same as before. No official regulation released yet. Will update accordingly if any.

Reference Price = $768.98/MT 
Product Oct-20
Levy (USD/MT)   Duty (USD/MT) 
FFB 79
PK 25 59
PKE 25 2
Tandang Kosong Sawit 15 8
Palm Shell 15 10
Crude Palm Oil 55 3
Crude Palm Kernel Oil 55 1
Crude Palm Olein 55
Crude Palm Stearin 55
Crude Palm Kernel Olein 55
Crude Palm Kernel Stearin 55
Palm Fatty Acid Distillate 45
Palm Kernel Fatty Acid Distillate 45
Split Fatty Acid (CPO, PKO, etc) 35 21
SPFAD 35 15
SPKFAD 35 20
RBD Palm Olein 35
RBD Palm Oil 25
RBD Palm Stearin 25
RBD Palm Kernel Oil 25
RBD Palm Kernel Olein 25
RBD Palm Kernel Stearin 25
RBD Palm Olein ≤ 25kg 25
Biodiesel 25


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